Every once in a while there’s that feeling we get, the feeling that today’s going to be super.
The kind when we wake up in the morning with a big smile on our face, for no plausible reason.
The kind when getting out of bed doesn’t seem to be a challenge.
The brightness of the sun doesn’t make us cringe up our nose.
Or the cold winter air doesn’t make up curl up more.
We step out. Breathe. Feel. Live
Just for that ONE day.
We wish for more of such days. But never thank for the ones we have.
(miserable selfish souls we humans are)
We feel. We imagine and We wish
We always wish for more, for better. Maybe that’s why we get better sometimes.
But isn’t the thankless attitude of our race heartbreaking.
I hear women complain everyday about how they aren’t pretty enough or how they want that one pretty Mange dress.
And Men, oh don’t even get me started on MEN!! Yes, agreed, they aren’t always quite vocal about it but they have it too. The wish to be richer, better, stronger and I hope at least God knows what not.
Take a minute, to thank. Not God (if that’s not your ‘thing’). Just thank someone. Yourself even. For who you are and for what you have. Anything.
It’s a tested fact, the lesser you expect, the happier you are.
I’m not propagating an aimless wishless life. No.
Just a Happier more content one.