Sunday, July 4, 2010

Advertising Blues!

Every time i see a brilliant advertisement and my hopes rise, they are soon shot down by a manikchand or a baadsha masala!
Whatever happened to "new age" advertising and all the hullabaloo. Or did it just seize before if could touch the underdogs!
So picture this...we'r having our lunch and the television is blaring on about Dhoni and some girl's wedding with theatrics to match the wedding photographers coupled with a lot of cheesy shots and transitions and gory "oh-i-love-you" songs. Finally i sigh with relief coz it ends and the new Indigo advertisement pops up *in love*.... eeerrr...eeee...only to be interrupted by baadsha masaala...*sings* and the weird looking kids with oodles of make up dabbed on their messed up faces! (I'm not too fond of children and they dont even look like children) Why? why would anyone..just about anyone spend so much money and buy air time to show us THAT!!
If you'r ever feeling too "good" and optimistic about Indian Advertising and are high on Lowe Lintas, JWT or O&M...just switch to any..and i mean ANY Hindi News channel and be amused (?)

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