Friday, July 23, 2010

Beat It!

Dish.Dish.Di.Da.Dish.Dish...Boom! click click. I suck!
Whoever thought learning something would be this tough. First of all, i tend to lack any sense of rhythm, i seem to have also lost my feet-head-hand-head (or something like that) coordination. Now its just me with my crazy bunch of lunatic limbs moving involuntarily to strike anything in sight. There's a beat and then there are sets and then oh wait..."just play whatever sound right to you"..."anything repeated more than twice, can be a beat" me..haven't you noticed...i don't get "beat"!
With a lot of huff-ing and puff-ing, i retire. Put my hat to rest, maybe i just wasn't meant to be good at it...quite like all other instruments that involve rhythmic sensibilities. The guitar failed, the piano committed suicide and the mike..well..lets just say he doesn't like being involved with me. So maybe its adieu to the drums. But maybe not. We'll just hold that thought.

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